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Collected Memories, Collecting Dust  |  2011

Tute rein se turne en déclin/ Tut cheit, tut muert, tut vait à fin.

All things to nothingness descend/ Everything falls, dies. comes to an end.

(Wace 1170. Prologue du Roman de Rou. ll 65-66)


Mate i te tamati, he auru kowhao; mate i te matua te takere.

To loose a child is a leakage, to loose a parent is the bottom dropped out.

(Māori proverb)


My MA Thesis, Activating a connection: Creating the place where the whakapapa, kōrero and taonga of my islands meet discusses the above themes in more detail. It is available to read in in full text on Academia now.

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